Sunday, September 7, 2008

Miss Nebraska Lends a Helping Hand

September 7, 2008--Ashley Hackenkamp, Miss Nebraska National US 2009 recently volunteered with Habitat for Humanity. She and other volunteers laid sod to complete a playground for a housing area in Greeley, CO. Ashley was ecstatic to be a part of giving someone else, especially children, a little piece of happiness even if it meant getting a little messy!

PHOTO: (Above Left) Ashley preparing the sod for the playground. Notice how bare the ground is before the work began; (Above Right) Group photo of all the volunteers and the families the of the Habitat for Humanity on the finished landscaped playground.

1 comment:

habitatvolunteer said...

Ashley came out tohelp us Saturday. She was awesome! She worked very hard and never complained, kept smiling the whole day!She is welcome back ANY time!