Thursday, November 6, 2008

Interview with Miss Arizona National US 2009, LaReina Hingson

What do you wish to accomplish with your title?
I hope to increase awareness and encourage and inspire other young women to be their best and go after their dreams.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
Ha, spare time? Actually when I'm not in school or working, or trying to find a job when I graduate, I'm usually practicing with my ballroom partner. Other than that, I like water sports, snowboarding, and reading on the porch.

What's playing in your iPod or mp3 player right now?
I don't have a music player, amazingly enough, but when I usually listen to music it's something Tango-ish.

What is something very few people know about you?
I count in sets of 8 when I drink water from the drinking fountain, isn't that silly?

What do you feel is the most important quality in a Miss National US?
Miss National US's most important quality is inspiration, which comes from being the best person she can be, and doing all she can with her life.

1 comment:

DanielleMarieDodson said...

LaReina - such a pretty and fitting name! Hehe :)

(Queen in Spanish)